Friday, December 2, 2016

Hotter'n Hell Hundred

 Hotter'n Hell Hundred
Wichita Falls, Texas
August 27, 2916
 Line up for the 50 mile course which Christine and I chose to do this year. There were a lot of us in the 50 mile start area, but there were very few in the 100K, but there was an over-flow in the 100 mile area. Hmmm.
 Pyro Pete at the start of the ride. One's only glimpse of him unless on the Century as he guards Hell's Gate at the 50-60 mile mark.
 The first part of the ride is a slight decline which allows a very good average for the first 10 miles. Don't be fooled. Soon the terrain changes. 
 The 50 mile route takes a swing back over the highway and has a rest stop in a shady park area.
 As usual, I find myself chasing Christine on a tour. Her adrenaline fuels her for the first 25 miles. After that, I can stay up with her. 
 The gentle swell is representative of all but a few hills on the 50 mile course.
 Rest Stop 3 for the 50 mile--rest stop 4 for the 100K as the two course merge at this point.
 Snow man helps with the illusion of "coolness" as HHH always earns its name especially in the afternoon.
The rest stop also has snow cones and a mist spray to cool off the riders. This seems to have been the last photo I took of this ride. Next stop was Shepard AFB with the display of aircraft and the most welcome line of Airmen cheering the riders just before exiting Shepard. Thank you Airmen for your hospitality and your service.

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