Monday, March 22, 2021

Status Update


March 22, 2021

Radiation Therapy Department

Oncology Department, Shannon Hospital

San Angelo, Texas

I always like to start my stories with a T Shirt of the event. This was my "graduation" date of completing radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy team, Roger and Misty, the staff that put me on the road to recovery.
They even gave me a Certificate of merit acknowledging completion.
Tradition has it that you "ring the bell" upon completion of treatment. Thought I would pose with the T shirt that my son in California sent me.
It best represents how I feel about this whole ordeal. 
Now, how do I REALLY feel about the last six weeks, 

Am I over treatment? No. My last chemo treatment was to be last Friday, but my white blood count was too low for the dosage to be administered safely. So, my last treatment is scheduled for this coming Monday. I don't know if they hand out certificates, but I'll let you know next week.