Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Seven Sisters

Seven Sisters
Local Ride
San Angelo, Texas
Jodi, David, Tyler, Ron, Jerry, and Brian.
Long false flat at the start. 
Tyler jumps out in lead.
It may not be over 6% but after about a mile of incline, it sort of wears one down at the start of the ride.
Not the same incline--different one.
Turn around point after negotiating the "seven" hills. Quote marks because someone forgot to count the cousins and nephews.  
Hills look just as long on the reverse route.
Funny how one forgets these were downhills on the way out.
At the end of the Seven Sisters ride of 20 miles, some riders stopped while others turned on Guinn Road to extend the ride by 10 miles.

Brian and I must have hung out behind David and Ron for the Guinn Road as I only found pictures of Ron and David.
Peaceful country scenes.
Motte (for those in Rio Linda; a grove or clump of trees in prairie land or open  country)  in the middle of the field has to have some sentimental reason for being left there for years instead of trying to expand the crop yield. Oh well, too close to the end of the ride to ponder any longer.

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