Thursday, February 7, 2019


If it "ain't" one thing it is another. Just as Christine's shoulder replacement was getting better, I had a recurrent hernia repair operation. Doing much better but still limited to lifting about 20 pounds. As some may recall, Christine and I have electric bikes now. They weight about 40 pounds each. Small problem.

While the northeast was snowed in, we in San Angelo got a break in weather and it hit 80 on Tuesday. We wanted to try to get in a ride before the weather closed back in, so with teamwork, Christine and I lifted the bikes onto the rack, and we took off. I was uncomfortable with parts of my body and Christine discovered she wasn't as recovered as she would have liked with her left shoulder/arm. At about 5 miles she said let's turn around. Wasn't a total loss. We now have ridden 10 miles this year!

With confidence that our bodies will continue to heal and improve, I am in the process of signing up for 2019 tours. Due to previous plans, our first formal tour will be all the way into April. I am hoping to schedule at least one tour per month through September. Eager to get started.