Monday, July 6, 2020

Christoval Firecracker

Christoval Volunteer Fire Department
Christoval, Texas
July 4, 2020
Through a special concession, Tom Green County officials allowed the CVFD to use Pugh Park in Christoval for its annual run, bicycle ride, and kayak ride. And of course their BBQ lunch box was plentiful and delicious. 
 Ride time was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Surprisingly, there was a smallish line up even though the next scheduled tour was just cancelled. That left Christoval as our only local tour. Small, maybe, but some of the fastest riders were there and ready.  I speak of a small bicycle line up, however, the runners were out in full force: 184 for the 5k, and 87 for the 1 mile run. Very impressive.
Also impressive; not sure who she belonged to, but who could be slow with a cheering section like this. 

Some of the San Angelo riders I was able to get a photo of are:
David. No, we didn't ride with our masks on. 
Right out of the starting block, Jonathan and Seth took the lead. Both wound up with a 21.2 mph average over the 30 mile course.
 Next was John (in lead) and his group. His group finished with a 20 mph average--wind, hills, heat and all. 
And then the rest of us. 

 Took some courage or a devining rod to drill for water out there. But the blades were turning fast hopefully producing a lot of water for the livestock.
 One rider caught up to the lead but soon dropped back into a more comfortable pace.


 Toenail Ranch. Appropriate as we were riding Toenail Trail road.

                                                                        Rest stop coming up.
 Lisa at the 15 mile turn around rest stop. Lisa and Bo are the tireless directors of the Firecracker Bike Ride.
 Our thanks to Lisa and her crew for the refreshments.
 And look who showed up at the rest stop. Christine was just behind all the fast riders but lost her standing as she found a chair at the stop and socialized. 
 Brian was not too far behind, so I joined him on the return trip.

 First clue to an out and back. Toenail Trail Ranch again.
Christine caught up and rode with us until Jeffri was spotted, and Christine came back with her. 

 David joined us and we left Jeffri and Christine behind to enjoy the scenery as we pedaled with heads down.

 Jerry pulling up beside Brian to talk a while. Jerry was one of the SAG vehicles and made several back and forth sweeps. 
 Still functional but little used gate and road. 
 Rancher must like to tease hunters. Silhouette cutouts of deer in his pasture.
 Nice gate to a ranch.
 Not far from the finish, met a rider who either was a late start and one who wanted to extend his mileage. Good luck as it was beginning to get hot.

 On the outskirts of Christoval.
 Last turn before Park entrance and finish.
 4th of July. Let's celebrate our heritage, beginnings, and hopefully out future.   
 And thank our first responders such as the Christoval Volunteer Fire Department.
Very impressive participant medallion memento.  
 And a big thanks to me for the patience it takes to get a lead-in shot of the event T-Shirt. 

 Until next time Cheeky.