Tour de Gap
Buffalo Gap, Texas
July 25, 2015
Having just gotten back from Illinois and hadn't even unpacked our bags yet, the Gap ride was upon us.
Some 234 riders registered for this annual event.
We are off but no rush. We discovered the 28 mile route last year.
We enjoyed the 28 miles course so much that we didn't even have to make excuses that we had just returned from a road trip and were exhausted. (The return trip wasn't all that bad, but it fits in with our story).
At the very start we were obviously riding into the sun, so the first long exhausting hill is blurred.
But every hill eventually has its reward.
The road flattens just before reaching highway 83.
Tuscola, Texas, population 714, about the size of Bradford, Ill, the story below this one.
Jim Ned High School. Ring a bell with football fans? Yep, home of Colt McCoy, former quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns, played for the Cleveland Browns, and later was quarterback for the Washington Redskins. He must have felt at home playing for the Jim Ned
High School Indians.
Rest Stop 1 (and only for the 28 mile group). Trying to look as if I hadn't just ridden 14 miles into the wind.
Watermelon made up for everything for Jeffri.
Christine arrived shortly after. She was ready for liquids, watermelon, and the next 14 miles "downhill with the wind." Partially true. That is why we enjoy the 28 mile ride.
Thanks to the volunteers. We know a ride is impractical without you.
The return decline ranges from 1-4% and mostly with the wind.
Fun trip back.
Fair play. Since the route is essentially an out and back, we traveled 14 miles ranging from 1-4% up and into the wind.
We just settled in, coasted, and enjoyed the scenery.
Yep, this is part of the Great Plains which stretches all the way north to the Dakotas. San Angelo is geographically the very southern point.
While we were enjoying the scenery, there was one sad note. Abilene County Judge Sam Carroll had an accident on the other route. A lady found him in her front yard and after checking on him, called 911. He was placed in ICU and reportedly had paralyzed arms and legs. Later he was placed in hospice and passed away. As there were no witnesses we may never know exactly what happened, but his family is in our prayers.
Coming back into Buffalo Gap.
And the finish line is in sight.
Part of the San Angelo crew. Jerry, Tony, Robbie, Christine, and Brian.
Chilling after eating our fill of burritos. Shortly the numbers were called out for after ride prizes. Almost everyone from San Angelo received a prize, except for two whom we all know, but we had an enjoyable ride and full stomachs, so what else could one want?