"By the dawn's early light". Eight of us arose quite early to take advantage of the last weekend before Hotter'n Hell Hundred in Wichita Falls August 26-27-28. Shown (sort of) from front row to back, (front) Christine Jones, Chad Freeze, Rick Ogan, (back) Brian Backlund, Liz Rappe', Velma Ogan, and Bill Yohman.
One of our favorite roads is highway 277 to Christoval. Smooth, wide shoulders, and gentle inclines/declines.
Reflective materials on our clothing and equipment compliment the front/rear lights. Did anyone notice the reflective parts of Rick's shoes in the first picture?
"Big wheels keep on rolling".
Besides practicing for the big biking event, one has to practice for rest stops, right? Liz spoiled us with iced drinks and Rice Krispie treats. We have our rest stop procedures down pat. Velma, Chad, Liz, and Bill seem to have mastered the art.
Coinciding with a running theme of lines from different songs, Velma, Christine, and Liz started singing oldies but goodies.
The singing continued on the ride until they scared a herd of cattle and woke up all the dogs in the countryside.
Time to work off some of the calories. We left highway 277 to ride a scenic residential area...
and get in some hill work which highway 277 does not have.
Right at the curve is a low water crossing. I had the camera ready, however, with the speed picked up from the decline, when I hit the curve, the centrifical force almost took me into the river.
So I was able to take this shot of part of the river as the incline slowed me enought to be almost stable again.
Planned rest stop at the convenience store in Christoval, unplanned was Rick's having to work on Christine's bike to allow her to shift gears. Christine, Velma, and Bill watch.
Heading back toward San Angelo, we met a different type of group ride-Texas style group ride.
Back at the staging area, Liz declares she is now ready for the Hotter'n Hell Hundred.
After-ride conversation is always a favorite time. Bill is riding the 100 mile route next Saturday. Rick and Velma are talking about staying in San Angelo next week end, but Rick ALMOST has Velma talked into the Fort Davis ride coming up shortly in September. This will be Brian's first year at HHH, and he has settled on the 100K. If he changes his mind, he will easily complete the 100 mile endurance ride. I am eagerly awaiting to learn which group he lines up with. Chad, not pictured above, will probably line up with the 100 milers, but his goal is still to complete in under 5 hours.